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Dear friends,

I’m writing this memo from my studio in ole Toronto. All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey, and the creative arena is fabulously alive. I’ve decided to release a wave of music under the banner «The Maker Series». This is is the banner I will be operating under for the next 4 years.

On studying the creative waves that have come to me before, I understand that that what I do happens in blocks of time, roughly 4 years. I like to reference the ambient music chapter with my friend Brian Eno as an example of a concentrated time of music making. It took us through roughly 4 years and we had the best time. Good work came from that devotion. Thank you, Brian.

This first «Maker Series» release is titled «Under The Heavy Sun».

I’m very proud to be associated with my mates on this, Johnny Shepherd, Rocco DeLuca and Jim Wilson.

«Under The Heavy Sun» imagines a place where spirit rises from the ground, from hurt to glory, an open road to a joy untold, a club somewhere in outer space where you leave your ego at the door to enter a new dimension of freedom.


- Daniel Lanois


2023 © Daniel Lanois

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